Donna Kennedy-Glans & Bob Schulz have put together a comprehensive toolkit for managing Corporate Integrity beyond compliance.
Many companies already know about the value of implementing an “ethics and integrity program” and they have created elaborate ethical policies to protect themselves from compliance related issues. However, they often fall short when aligning their “corporate walk with their corporate talk.”
Corporate Integrity – A Toolkit for Managing Beyond Compliance is a great book to help organizations align their “corporate walk with their corporate talk.” The authors state,
“Compliance is a minimum standard of corporate performance and is often insufficient response to a corporation’s integrity values” and
“Overall, this is a practical how-to book that tailors, aligns, and consolidates business tools that enable companies to effectively and efficiently operationalize business integrity values.”
Corporate Integrity is divided into three parts:
Part 1: New Frontiers in Managing Corporate Integrity
Part 2: Process for Managing corporate Integrity and Scenario Applications
Part 3: The Road Ahead For Corporate Integrity
Each part has detailed Business Tools that will allow you to measure, monitor, and manage integrity. Some of the tools outlined in this book are:
- The Integrity Ladder
- Stakeholder Grid and Impact Assessment Tool
- The Integrity Grid
- Permeation of Change Model
- Adapted Best Practices Tool
- Benchmarking Practices
- Community Investment Strategy Tool
I would highly recommend this book, Corporate Integrity, to any Ethics Professional interested in improving their Compliance and Ethics Program.
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